
Election Modernization Coalition
Mission Statement: The Coalition's long standing goals include ensuring elections are accessible, participatory, accurate, and safe. We seek to remove barriers to registration and voting for all, and to modernize voting systems in MA. We do research, outreach, advocacy and public education to reach these goals.
The Election Modernization Coalition (EMC) is a legislative advocacy group working together since 2010 to advance voting rights in Massachusetts by removing barriers to registering and voting and modernizing election systems. A combination of member-based and grassroots organizations, the EMC has been the driving force behind voting rights reform in Massachusetts for the last decade which include the passage of:
Online Voter Registration (2014)
Early Voting (2014)
Automatic Voter Registration (2018)
Pre-Registration of 16 and 17 year-olds (2018)
Vote by Mail (2022)
Expanded Early Voting (2022)
Enrollment in the Electronic Registration & Information Center (2022) and more
Common Cause Massachusetts – We put our proven policy expertise, our network of grassroots supporters, and our nonpartisan approach into action to strengthen our democracy against the challenges it faces today. We work across Massachusetts on priorities that impact each of our lives—like defending the right to vote, making our government more accountable, promoting transparency, and more.
ACLU Massachusetts - The ACLU of Massachusetts—a private, nonpartisan organization with more than 82,000 supporters across the Commonwealth and over 100,000 online activists—is a state affiliate of the national ACLU. We defend the principles enshrined in the Massachusetts Declaration of Rights, as well as the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.
League of Women Voters of Massachusetts - The League of Women Voters of Massachusetts (LWVMA), a nonpartisan political organization, empowers voters and strengthens democracy for all in Massachusetts.
MassVOTE - MassVOTE, a non-partisan, non-profit organization seeks to increase voter participation in the state of Massachusetts. Today we work to increase voter registration, education, and participation in historically underrepresented communities throughout Massachusetts. We also promote social, economic, environmental, and racial justice.
Massachusetts Voter Table - The Massachusetts Voter Table integrates nonpartisan voter engagement with grassroots organizing. With our 30+ coalition members, we fight for resources, representation, and power for communities of color, working-class people, new citizens, and youth in Massachusetts.
MASSPIRG (Public Interest Research Group) - MASSPIRG is an advocate for the public interest. We speak out for the public and stand up to special interests on problems that affect the public's health, safety and wellbeing.
Lawyers for Civil Rights - Lawyers for Civil Rights fights discrimination and fosters equity through creative and courageous legal advocacy, education, and economic empowerment. With law firms and community allies, we provide free, life-changing legal support to individuals, families, and small businesses.
Disability Law Center - DLC is a private, non-profit organization responsible for providing protection and advocacy for the rights of Massachusetts residents with disabilities. Our mission is to provide legal advocacy on disability issues that promote the fundamental rights of all people with disabilities to participate fully and equally in the social and economic life of Massachusetts.
Jewish Community Relations Center of Greater Boston - JCRC is a coalition of organizations and individuals that represents and advances the values, interests, and priorities of the organized Jewish community in greater Boston.
Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts - The mission of the Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts is to enable adults in Eastern MA to overcome racial, social barriers, economic inequities, sexual and domestic violence to employment and economic development opportunities. For 100 years, ULEM’s programs and services have given hope to participants and made a lasting, impactful statement in the community.